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Welcome to my blog. Here I document my passion in style and beauty. I hope you have a nice stay!

Liebster Award Nomination(s)

Liebster Award Nomination(s)

Within the past few weeks I've been nominated twice(!!) for the Liebster Award by both Catryn of Sweet Horizon Blog and Maggie (awesome name!) of Planes and Champagne. Thank you both!! I'm so humbled and grateful for all of you who come to read my blog, whether it be once a day, once a month, or if this is your first time. I love this little hobby of mine, and the fact that others take the time to enjoy it means so much to me. 

For those of you who don't know, the Liebster Award is given to bloggers from other bloggers. Essentially, it's a way for you to get to know the blogger community, expose people to new bloggers, and for others to get to know a little more about you. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, lovely, valued, endearing, and welcome (among other words of that sort). The blogger that nominates you poses questions for you to answer, and you then nominate other bloggers and pose them some questions!

Questions from Maggie

1. Tell me about you. A lot of basic things about myself are in my About Me section. A few other tidbits: I have 2 sisters (I'm the middle child), I much prefer chocolate desserts and candy over fruity desserts and candy, and I play both piano and guitar. 

2. What’s your blog about? Fashion, style, and a little bit about beauty and lifestyle. I try to appeal to the everyday-girl and those of us who don't have unlimited budgets and time.

3. What do you love about blogging? I love expressing myself in writing (I was in journalism all throughout high school!), and helping to inspire others with my outfits. It's also fun to dress up and take photos :)

4. What is one goal you have for your blog in 2016? My biggest goal for 2016 is probably to work with more brands and spend more time on quality not-just-an-outfit posts.

5. If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be? Alive? Probably Beyonce! I feel like she would be so fun to hang out with and we would have some great conversations. Someone dead? Probably Nikola Tesla. He was so wacky and smart and such an influence over our world today. That'd be such a cool exchange.

6. What is your favorite film? This is a tough one! I have so many movies I love. My favorite genre is definitely romance or rom-coms... My favorite movie overall might have to be How To Train Your Dragon. There's too much to love about it!

7. Where is the best place that you have ever been and why? Definitely Antarctica!! (See my post about it here) It was so surreal to be in a place that's barren and serene and uninhabited. Florence, Italy is a close second. Gorgeous city and amazing food!

8. If you could change one thing in the world what would it be? If it's a realistic thing, it would be that everyone has a basic education (if not more that basic). I think the rest of our problems (war, hunger, etc) will be solved once more people have higher educations. Unrealistically, I would want teleportation to be real. Traveling would be so much quicker, attainable, and fun!

9. What’s your guilty pleasure? Either trashy reality TV shows (Khloe is my fave), or trashy romance novels.

10. Fun fact about you? I have been to over half of the 50 states! My goal is to get to all 50 someday.

11. What 3 things would you pack if you were stranded on a deserted island? A smart companion, a survival book, and a survival kit. Is that cheating? haha :)

Questions from Catryn

1. How did you come up with your blog name? I was brainstorming blog names one day and knew I wanted to have my name in the blog title, and it sounds cheesy, but it just came to me. I love ice cream and fashion and "a la mode" can be associated with both, so it just fit.

2. Who is your ultimate style icon and why? I am always in love with Jamie Chung's style. And it's realistic and attainable. Her fashion blog was one of the first I ever regularly visited.

3. What is your favorite social media network and why? I love Instagram the most lately! It's quick, visually appealing, and fits so well with a fashion blog medium.

4. In your opinion, what is the best blog post you've written so far? The blog posts I am most proud of are a tie: Tips and Tricks for Getting Good Deals and Giving Back While You Shop. Both of them I put a lot of time into and I think they are unique and better than a typical "here's what I wore" outfit post. You can actually learn something from them.

5. Why did you decide to start blogging? I have been following fashion blogs for a long time and always thought, "I could do that!" I was hesitant at first, and it took a few months of thinking about it, but it's been such a great decision for me to start my own.

6. If money was not an issue, what are you dying to do? If money wasn't an issue, I would quit my job and spend my time traveling the world. I'm sure that's a popular response, but there's a reason why! 

7. What inspires you most? Inspiration in terms of life would be my husband. He pushes me and has faith in me to do anything. Inspiration for just random ideas would come from Pinterest, as usual. :)

8. Who are your top 3 bloggers that you follow? Jean of Extra Petite, Kendi of Kendi Everyday, and Ashley of Pursuit of Shoes. They all have amazing style, seem so down to earth, have real jobs, and still have amazing blogs.

9. What is your favorite book and why? Love That Dog by Sharon Creech. It has been my favorite most of my life. It's short, a really easy read, and brings me to tears every time. It has great memories associated with it and it'll always be my favorite.

10. What is your dream job? My dream job would be to travel the world, shop, and help others. It also has to be something I'm good at. Not sure what kind of job all those would make, but those are three things I am passionate about and want in my job.

I hope you were able to learn some new things about me! I don't do a lot of personal talk on the blog (other than a tidbit here or there), so I'm hoping this post helps you all get to know me a little bit better :)

These are who I nominate, in no particular order!

Just Becky Blog - Becky

Fahling for Fabulous - Emily

Dress Up, Chow Down - Thuy

Between the Racks - Morgan

The Glossy Lemon - Holly

Charmed Charlee - Charlee

My questions for the nominees:

1. What is your favorite part about blogging?

2. In your opinion, what is the best blog post you have written so far?

3. What are you currently binge watching/reading/doing?

4. If you had to only shop at one clothing store for the rest of your life, what would it be?

5. What has been your favorite vacation so far?

6. Why did you decide to start blogging?

7. What is your favorite beauty product?

8. What is your favorite piece of advice to give (or receive)?

9. Superman or Batman?

10. Who are your top three favorite bloggers at the moment?

11. What is your go-to outfit?

Again, thank you to everyone for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed this post!

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