The Bomber Jacket

One of the biggest trends for fall is the bomber jacket. At first I didn't think it would be a trend I'd participate in this season. It adds a sporty, edgy vibe to an outfit, which is not usually my style. However, when I saw this jacket with side zips, I thought I'd try it out.

Your Fall Shopping List

Happy Monday, friends! I took a step back this weekend with my wardrobe and evaluated what it really needs instead of continuing on with impulse purchases. I tend to buy with my heart and not with my head, so I will end up with a lot of cool items, but I need some basics to tie them together.

The Forgotten Post

Why is this the forgotten post? Because as I was going through my memory cards, here I found a photo shoot that I did and apparently completely forgot about, because it was shot in June. Haha!

New Beauty Loves

It's been a hot minute since I've shared some of my favorite new beauty products! All of these I've tried and was so impressed they were immediately put into my daily routine.

If You Are a Creator, You Need to Read This

I'm sure you all have felt that way before: Instagram engagement sucks, it feels like I'm losing followers more than gaining, my blog hasn't really grown at all in like 2 years, I'm tired of trying to keep up with all my social accounts and promote my blog and write and take photos and be current. I have this great vision in my head of what I want my posts and feeds to look be, but I'm never there and I never know why.